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Breaking through a revenue rut isn’t just about strategies and tactics—it’s about the energy you bring to your business every single day. When we hit those inevitable plateaus, it’s easy to panic and start scrambling for quick fixes. But what if the real solution lies in how you show up? To truly elevate your business, […]

For the past 3 weeks, I have been working my launch process for Unbound like a mother f*cker. I have been GIVING everything I have into my mindset, my content, my current clients, all while trying to keep my nervous system regulated while I sell the final few spots.

Last week I was exchanging DM’s on Facebook with two potential clients when the thing that most of us fear happening happened…I was hit with objections and the reasons why these two people were on the fence about joining Unbound. 3 years ago I would have went deep into stories that said I’m not good at sales, sales feels shity, and that I have to convince everyone to buy but instead I dropped into my body and noticed two distinct energies coming through between handling the objections of the two potential clients. One energy felt expansive and exciting because it was a good fit and the other felt constrictive and icky because the program wasn’t a good fit for her. Let me explain: one person was on the fence because she wasn’t convinced my mastermind was right for her and the other was fully bought into Unbound but on the fence because she was scared to invest before she had clients. Notice the difference? Trying to convince someone to buy something they don’t feel is right for them is straight up bro sales and tbh in my experience no amount of objection handling can overcome a prospect not being bought into your offer. The other potential client was fully bought in, loving my content (yes this is where content strategy plays a major role in our business), at the perfect place in her business to invest and succeed but just needed me to alleviate her concerns so she felt empowered to say yes. BIG DIFFERENCE MY PALS.

You are not here to CONVINCE people to hire you.

So how do you know if someone is bought into your offer? In my experience, the best way to determine the level of buy-in is simply to get curious pre call and during the call if they throw out an objection. This looks like having them fill out a pre-call form before you get on the call or by asking them more about their objection by saying “if this issue was resolved would you be a full on yes to this service?” If they say yes – then they are likely bought in – but if they say no, they may not be bought in and you might need to ask a few more questions to understand where the breakdown is for them.

Sales and objection handling is a natural part of owning an online business and if you want to make sales feel easier and less invasive, notice which of these two energies feels most present in your sales conversations and act accordingly.

Have questions on objection handling? Head on over to my free Facebook Community and post your question to the discussion wall.

Business Strategy

The Two Energies of Handling Sales Objections

I know you’ve created a stellar signature offer and methodology that is sure to get your clients results but every time you launch, you feel like the offer just seems to fall on deaf ears! No matter how many times you launch or how seasoned of an entrepreneur you are, you feel like it’s a drawn out game of “guess-who” or “cat & mouse”. Fear not my friend because today that’s changing as I share the 4 questions you should be asking yourself when it comes to getting ideal clients through your sales pipeline through this cute little thang I call Breadcrumbing.

What is Breadcrumbing? Instead of going through the same anxiety-inducing process every time you want to increase your revenue, Breadcrumbing allows you to become super clear on when someone is ready to buy while avoiding guessing games. It’s like laying out breadcrumbs that lead right into a zinger and the thing that your ideal client has been looking for– i.e. your amazing offer!

BREADCRUMB to guide your loyal customers back to the table with a delicious breadcrumb trail that keeps them coming back for seconds without feeling like you have to hunt them down. 

BREADCRUMB so that you can break away from the constant launch cycle you’ve committed to in the name of your 6-figure business dreams.

BREADCRUMB so that you are crystal clear on what your clients need and want from you so that when doors open on your newest offer – you’ve got payment notifications blasting your inbox. 

BREADCRUMB so you can more easily identify who is prepared and ready for your offer instead of nervously testing their interest with a DM.

By breadcrumbing your ideal clients, you can outsmart your business like Tom does Jerry! Instead of playing hide and seek with sales prospects, why not build an experience that will make it easier for your clients to say yes to your offers and for you to close clients quicker. 

 Let’s get the cheese ready — buh-bye old fashioned way of selling/marketing; hello modern approach to the results you want.

Take a moment to go question by question and answer these questions honestly and as objectively possible. Then make a list of any weaknesses in your process – and finally get to testing and tweaking (but one thing at a time so you know exactly which thing shifted your results)!

1. Are you fully invested in your offer and do potential clients see that enthusiasm coming through?
2. Does your audience see YOU as someone who can help them solve their problems?
3. Is your audience clear on how your OFFER can help them solve their problems? Meaning – are they clicking through to download your free stuff? Are you getting discovery calls booked?
4. Is your audience or ideal client converting into dolla dolla bills? If not, what are you doing to help them mitigate their fear or perceived risk of investment?

Baddie don’t hit the panic button yet! Juggling a business, launching and keeping your sanity can be tricky – but have no fear. The Breadcrumb That B*tch Intensive is here to make it easier for you. This isn’t like doing math homework; companies invest millions in marketing research so there’s nothing wrong with feeling stuck or overwhelmed if thats where you are right now. Claim your spot before they’re all gone—and let’s get you clear on exactly where your breadcrumbs are amiss! Click here to claim your spot!


Ashley Kruse

P.S. Not quite ready to invest in personalized support for your breadcrumbs but still want to learn how to DIY it? I got you – mark your calendars for April 19th between 3:30-4:45 for the FREE Breadcrumb That B*tch Masterclass! Registration details will be released soon!

Business Strategy

4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Customer Pipeline