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We’re approaching the final stretch of the year. Maybe you had some wins Q1 – Q3. Maybe you had some super shitty months. Or maybe your kids were home with you all summer, and you tried to run a business while also being a mom–shout out to the moms! Whatever your situation, if the first […]

Entrepreneurship is an emotional roller coaster. Whether you’re just stepping into the world of entrepreneurship for the first time or scaling past $30k months, you’re likely very aware of the emotional ups and downs that come with trying to make the “right decisions” to reach your desired level of success.

We all want to make the right decisions for our business and the truth is making “the right decision” often takes the most mental and emotional toll – and it makes sense because no one wants to fail. Understanding why we make the decisions we do can often help to reduce that toll, because we are able to separate our personal fears and feelings from what’s best for the business.

So how do we know if we are making the decision from emotions or an objective point of view? Let’s start by looking at our behavior in our business.

Emotional Decision-Making: You put your heart and soul into a launch, and it didn’t pan out in the first two weeks as you had hoped, you deem your efforts a “failure”, internalize the rejection and you scrap the launch and move on to a new offer. (In reality, the launch may not have worked, but you don’t have enough information to determine why, so you are making a decision to scrap the launch based on incomplete information).

Objective Decision-Making: You put your heart and soul into a launch, and it didn’t pan out in the first two weeks as you had hoped. Instead of completely scrapping the launch, you start to get curious about what didn’t work by looking at the messaging, asking questions to those who showed interest, gathering feedback, etc.

Emotional intelligence affects how you lead your business. How do you hold yourself in rejection – are you taking it personal when someone says no to an offer? How do you handle emotional moments when things feel out of your control? Take a moment to notice how your emotions are impacting three key areas in your business.

The ability to make strategic decisions to grow and scale your business is often clouded by our emotional brains. Are the decisions and changes you’ve made in your business based on facts (data driven), or emotions (how you felt in that moment)?

Relationships are at the crux of your business. Whether it’s relationships with your team, clients, or anyone in between, as you grow and scale your business, your emotions can impact the relationships you build. Looking at this involves understanding how your emotional state of mind can impact your response to things like feedback from your clientele on what they like and don’t like about their experience in your business. Can you resolve conflict without letting your emotions take over when a client says they are ready to exit?

Once you’ve tasted success, it can be hard to slow down out of fear of it all going away. As an established entrepreneur, you’ve got to know and understand what your capacity is and how to tweak that capacity to honor your emotional needs – i.e. saying no to unaligned clients or taking on more when you know you’re at your capacity.

Understanding and managing the emotional aspects of entrepreneurship is crucial for long-term success. Reflect on your decision-making process, how you manage relationships, and your business capacity. 

CEO Energetics


Breaking through a revenue rut isn’t just about strategies and tactics—it’s about the energy you bring to your business every single day. When we hit those inevitable plateaus, it’s easy to panic and start scrambling for quick fixes. But what if the real solution lies in how you show up? To truly elevate your business, you need to zoom out and see the bigger picture. Detaching from immediate results allows you to make accurate assessments and tweak your approach with clarity and confidence.

As women, it’s especially crucial that we learn to look at our businesses objectively instead of subjectively. When we’re too close to our work, emotions can cloud our judgment, leading us to take things personally or make decisions based on fear and doubt. Objectivity allows us to evaluate our performance based on data and facts rather than feelings.

For example, if a launch doesn’t go as planned, a subjective view might make you feel like a failure, while an objective view helps you analyze what went wrong and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Working harder isn’t always the answer.

Imagine running a marathon: sprinting at the start won’t help you finish the race. It’s about pacing yourself and regulating your energy to ensure you reach the finish line. In business, constantly pushing yourself without taking breaks or reassessing your strategy leads to burnout and missed opportunities.

  1. Develop a Growth Mindset: Focus on where you can be 1% more effective. Expect to question your business and success at times—anticipating this helps you avoid falling into a spiral and making decisions from a disregulated place.
  2. Execute Small but Strategic Shifts: Evaluate and revise your strategy to work smarter, not harder. Small, calculated adjustments can have a significant impact over time.
  3. Take Action from a Regulated Place: Ensure you’re in a balanced state when making decisions. This helps you act from a place of clarity and strength, rather than stress and urgency.

Revenue ruts and plateaus are a normal part of running a business. They simply indicate that it’s time to tweak your approach. What feels hardest about running a business when things feel most challenging? It’s usually the uncertainty and pressure to make the right decisions. By understanding that these phases are natural, you can approach them with a calm, regulated mindset. Evaluate where adjustments are needed and implement changes from a place of balance. This not only helps you overcome the rut but also strengthens your business for the future.


How to Breakthrough your Revenue Rut as a Coach, Healer, or Service Based Business Owner

Business Strategy

Selling with Integrity as a Coach or Done-for-You Service Provider

We’ve all been the victim of an Instagram message that makes us cringe – and no I’m not talking about the ones from creepy dudes who have ZERO tact or class; I’m talking about the cringey “Hey Girl!” message. The one where you avoid opening until the red bubble notification is too annoying and you finally succumb to  opening while battling feelings of annoyance and obligation to respond. You immediately try to think of all the reasons to say no in the most classy and respectful way because hey, girls doin her biz thang but really you just think to yourself – “Does this person even know what I do?”;  “Did they bypass my entire profile?”; “What would make them think I would be interested in this?” Ending with “Ugh I hate being sold to”.  It feels shitty on the receiving end and chances are it doesn’t feel great on the sender’s end either (in fact in my experience it perpetuates fear of the sales process which we’ll talk about in another post). Point blank a poorly executed “Hey Girl” message doesn’t feel good and it rarely converts.

But what if that “hey girl” message was perfectly timed. What if you received the “hey girl” message that pinpointed your exact frustrations, helped you solve the problem you’ve been Googling all week, and felt really excited to receive a personalized message from the person you’ve been Instastalking all week? It may feel too good to be true or it could feel like divine intervention and manifestation. Either way this my friends – is the experience that having a lead generation strategy perpetuates.

Lead Generation Strategy helps you to identify your most promising prospects and leads and move them along their buying process faster. Did I mention it also feels WAYYYY less invasive and salesy? So when you send that “Hey Girl” message the person on the receiving end doesn’t feel invaded and is actually excited to chat about what you are doing.  In today’s blog, I’m breaking down 3 Basic Steps of Creating Your Lead Generation Strategy. My hope is you’ll learn what lead generation really is and how to create a basic AF lead gen strategy that helps you convert leads into clients. 

Rule #1: Your ideal client is going through a buying process and that buying process takes time. Think about it, when you invest money into something like a new car – you go through a buying process right? Your car might have broken down (problem), you assess if you want to fix it or buy new/used (ways to solve the problem), and finally decide what auto shop or dealer you want to give your business to (deciding on a solution) so you can get back on the road.  Your ideal client will do the same before they ever come into your space. They are assessing what problems they have, ways to solve those problems, and who or what options they have to solve the problem. 

Rule #2: Lead Generation Helps You Identify Your Warmest Leads– Stop guessing about who might be interested and start focusing on those that ARE interested. Create a simple and free offer in exchange for an email. When a person downloads your free offer – they are now a warm lead – i.e. a big FLASHING LIGHT BULB telling you who to go talk to! 

Rule #3: Warm Leads Convert Faster. Say buh bye to cold dm’s because now you have a list of leads to follow up with and potentially a waitlist of people who want what you have to sell. Your sales process will be so much faster (not to mention more fun) because that warm lead has literally told you that they have a problem you can solve and that they are interested in what you have to say. Think about it… how much easier would it be to convert leads into clients if you were talking to people who didn’t need convincing because they already saw your genius in your freebie?

Being a new entrepreneur can be overwhelming but the most important thing to remember is that when you have a lead generation strategy (even if it’s basic AF), you convert leads into clients FASTER – and who doesn’t want that? 

Ready to implement this strategy into your new business and get your first client? On June 14th I’m hosting my next FREE challenge → “5 Steps to Signing Your First Client” where I’ll be walking you through a step-by-step and repeatable process to secure your first client. Want all the juicy deets? Register now!

Business Strategy

3 Basic Rules of Lead Generation for New Entrepreneurs

I’m going to say something wildly controversial – having a business coach or mentor is NOT a requirement or necessity to run or create a wildly successful online business. In fact,  I believe that you are divinely capable of creating the business you dream of using all the skills, experience, and gifts that you’ve cultivated throughout your life. The honest to Goddess truth is that there are free resources out the wazoo (thanks Google!) that you can  leverage to get your business off the ground and if bootstrapping your business is your best or only option at this point then more power to you because at some point – we’ve all done it and it does actually work! 

So if it’s not a requirement then why is having a business mentor a thing that a lot of people seem to invest in? Simply put – while not a requirement in my experience it makes the process of building your online business easier, more seamless, and in my humble opinion MORE FUN! Who doesn’t wanna talk about their business with someone who gets it and totally understands the dream!?

So whether you’ve begun to think about investing in a business mentor or you’re trying to be strategic in when to invest, on today’s blog I’m sharing 3 Crucial Moments You Should Consider Hiring a Business Coach:

  1. If you’re continuously spinning out in the beginning phases of building your business – I’m talking you start and stop and start again and it’s affecting your ability to get your first few clients. We’ve all been there – you’re sitting at your computer, almost in tears because you did all the things based on the Google checklist you found (niche, logo, website, business cards) but you’re stuck because you STILL don’t know how to go out and get your first client. You freeze at the very thought of trying to sell and your results are showing it.  A business mentor or coach has a tried and tested strategy that has worked for them and their clients so you don’t have to guess on what to do or how to do it! They simply teach you their strategy and coach you through implementing it into your business including all the ups, downs, and sticky points! This is why it’s majorly important to make sure your business coach is an expert in the space you desire to be successful (more on that in a different blog post). 
  2. If you’ve mastered the basics in your business but feel stuck in terms of growth or your ability to scale. Your business mentor will be able to help assess your goals and your current product/service offering to help you identify ways that you might be able to grow and scale your business in a profitable way. In working with my clients, scaling is usually done by bringing on new team members, launching new courses or offers, and having already mastered the basics of your business. A business mentor can help you with understanding what questions to ask your potential team members, how to position your new course thoughtfully, and how to scale the information you’ve already gathered from the basics to serve a bigger audience in less time. 
  3. If your results are hit & miss. As a business mentor, when I see my clients are getting inconsistent results, it’s my job to help them figure out why and then help them triage the situation. I help my clients pin point where the inconsistency of their results are stemming from and we work to co-create a plan to resolve it. Sometimes this means we turn up the heat on their launches and sometimes this means we go deep on mindset blocks. Whatever the case,  it’s so easy to overthink and overanalyze every piece of your business so having a second set of experienced eyes to come in and objectively look at your business is all it takes to move through the inconsistency – and that my love – is hard to Google.

So no matter where you are in the process of building your online business, I hope this blog post helps you to pinpoint whether or not having a business mentor is right for you! Regardless of where you’ve landed on the decision – my invitation is to first trust your gut instinct and ask yourself – “If my success was inevitable, would I want support in this process or nah?”

If you’re really into bootstrapping your business right now – I invite you to check out my upcoming free workshop: Content Strategy Bootcamp! We are live on Friday, July 9 at 1:00p CST so head on over to this link to learn more about how to talk to your ideal customers through your content strategy.

Business Strategy

3 Crucial Moments to Consider Hiring a Business Coach

For the past 3 weeks, I have been working my launch process for Unbound like a mother f*cker. I have been GIVING everything I have into my mindset, my content, my current clients, all while trying to keep my nervous system regulated while I sell the final few spots.

Last week I was exchanging DM’s on Facebook with two potential clients when the thing that most of us fear happening happened…I was hit with objections and the reasons why these two people were on the fence about joining Unbound. 3 years ago I would have went deep into stories that said I’m not good at sales, sales feels shity, and that I have to convince everyone to buy but instead I dropped into my body and noticed two distinct energies coming through between handling the objections of the two potential clients. One energy felt expansive and exciting because it was a good fit and the other felt constrictive and icky because the program wasn’t a good fit for her. Let me explain: one person was on the fence because she wasn’t convinced my mastermind was right for her and the other was fully bought into Unbound but on the fence because she was scared to invest before she had clients. Notice the difference? Trying to convince someone to buy something they don’t feel is right for them is straight up bro sales and tbh in my experience no amount of objection handling can overcome a prospect not being bought into your offer. The other potential client was fully bought in, loving my content (yes this is where content strategy plays a major role in our business), at the perfect place in her business to invest and succeed but just needed me to alleviate her concerns so she felt empowered to say yes. BIG DIFFERENCE MY PALS.

You are not here to CONVINCE people to hire you.

So how do you know if someone is bought into your offer? In my experience, the best way to determine the level of buy-in is simply to get curious pre call and during the call if they throw out an objection. This looks like having them fill out a pre-call form before you get on the call or by asking them more about their objection by saying “if this issue was resolved would you be a full on yes to this service?” If they say yes – then they are likely bought in – but if they say no, they may not be bought in and you might need to ask a few more questions to understand where the breakdown is for them.

Sales and objection handling is a natural part of owning an online business and if you want to make sales feel easier and less invasive, notice which of these two energies feels most present in your sales conversations and act accordingly.

Have questions on objection handling? Head on over to my free Facebook Community and post your question to the discussion wall.

Business Strategy

The Two Energies of Handling Sales Objections